Why Choose CMLS?
Our CMLS offers you an all-inclusive tool to cover your firm’s compliance requirements, allowing users to access all the necessary information in one easy-to-access place. From training to attestations, calendarized monitoring programmes, approval and open registers, risk assessments and reporting, our CMLS simplifies your compliance processes across the board, helping you remain compliant without exceeding costs.
Our portal’s user-friendly and automated monitoring and reporting features facilitate the quick and efficient fulfilment of your regulatory obligations, therefore reducing your risk and any associated costs. Additionally, our CMLS improves your organisation’s operational resilience by providing a single source for all compliance-related activities and streamlining the reporting process.
Via our CMLS, you will receive the best of both worlds.
Your compliance training needs will be covered by the London Governance & Compliance Academy’s (LGCA) Compliance Learning Solution (CLS), while ComplyPortal's Regulatory Compliance Management Solution will take care of your monitoring and reporting obligations.