London Governance & Compliance Academy

Innovation Academy

Innovation Academy

In the new hyper-connected world, where innovation is pervasive and engrossing, companies need to adapt and reinvent themselves in order to stay ahead of the competition.

Through the Innovation Academy, we help organisations bring innovative change to their core business and maintain their competitive advantage. We introduce your teams to leading tools and methodologies, encourage them to identify growth opportunities, develop agile thinking strategies and problem-solving skills to ensure that your business thrives in the age of automation.

Our aim is to support you in building capabilities that will drive strategic innovation in the long term.

The following is a summary of the innovation workshops offered by LGCA.

Title: Partnering for Success: Startup-Corporate Collaboration for Innovation (Workshop)

Description:  Increasingly, corporates and startups are forming mutually beneficial partnerships. These relationships are helping to accelerate innovation and keep firms current in new technologies, processes and market opportunities. By partnering with startups, established organisations benefit from instant access to agile and dedicated teams that have the experience and know-how to identify opportunities for innovation and execute them. Understanding and finding a viable fit for a partnership with a startup is a key element of success. During this in-depth workshop, you will understand the principles of open innovation, the benefits and shortcomings of working with startups, the different methods of collaboration and how to forge a win-win situation for your organisation, the startup and your customers/stakeholders.

After completing this course you will be able to:

  • appreciate the urgency of innovation in the corporate world
  • identify the challenges of innovating in your organisation
  • recognise the benefits and challenges of startup-corporate collaboration,
  • examine matches between potential partners, and
  • familiarise yourself with the tools and methodologies used to create an innovation culture

Target audience: C-level executives, innovation leaders within organisations, leaders across the company

Duration: 2 days

Title: Creativity and Innovation (Workshop)

Description: During this hands-on workshop, we will work with your teams in order to unleash their creativity and help them develop a portfolio of innovative ideas. We will apply tools and methodologies such as mind-maps, design thinking and lean canvas, and assist participants in unlocking their creativity to achieve their professional best.

Target audience: Middle management, innovation practitioners within organisations

Duration: 2 days

Title: Corporate Innovation for Executives (Course) 

Description: At the end of this course, you will have an in-depth understanding of how disruptive technologies will affect businesses. We will also provide the necessary knowledge and skills to your staff to embrace these changes. You will understand what functionalities of technical products which are changing the face of business and how to harness them. You will be able to identify siloes and barriers to change within your organisation and understand how to overcome them. You will examine the distinction between automatable skills and soft skills, such as problem solving, the art of negotiation, strategic thinking and design thinking.   

You will familiarise yourself with various tools and methodologies available to create an innovation culture and manage a portfolio of ideas.

Target audience: C-level executives, innovation leaders within organisations, leaders across the company

Duration: 1 day

Title: Innovating your Business Model (Course)

Description: During this course, you will be introduced to different examples of business model innovation and understand how industries are being transformed. You will develop an understanding of how innovative solutions can be linked to your business strategy and growth. You will be presented with tools and methodologies which will allow you to discuss, evaluate and develop your own business model concepts.

Target audience: C-level executives, innovation leaders within organisations, leaders across the company, business developers

Duration: 1 day

Title: Internal Hackathon

Description: An internal hackathon has the potential to become a productive ground for new ideas. It is an excellent way to stimulate the creative and problem-solving skills of your staff outside their day-to-day role where risk-taking may be impractical or frowned upon.  A hackathon will enable them to test ideas in an environment with a low cost of failure. We expect each participating member to complete the hackathon with a ‘Pet Project’ endorsed by management that they would focus a small percentage of time on and develop into something impactful for your business. Within the hackathon timeframe, we will educate and familiarise your staff with the trends and innovations in your industry, the concepts of mind mapping and of design thinking and support them through the ideation process, encourage creating a value proposition and a pitch that will be presented in front of a panel at the end of the hackathon.

Target audience: Leaders across the company, innovation leaders, employees.

Duration: 2.5 days